We offer events, guided tours and excursions in the Pamina Rheinpark. Find out more and discover new things
If we cannot carry out projects ourselves, we write them out. Here are the latest INTERREG project tenders
Visit a variety of events. We offer interesting exhibitions, music and comedy and, and, and …
The permanent exhibition of the nature conservation center gives you an insight into the nature of the Rhine meadows. Here you will learn something about the history of the development of the Rhine and its floodplain landscapes. How we humans use, change and thereby endanger these landscapes is not forgotten.
go to the websiteRegardless of whether it is information about our Rheinpark projects and events or activities such as hiking, cycling and paddling in the Rheinpark – you will find all the important flyers and brochures here.
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Im Rheinpark und seiner näheren Umgebung finden Radfahrer hervorragende Radwege und natürlich auch Einkehrmöglichkeiten.
Pourquoi partir en vacances à Amérique quand le Parc Rhénan peut m’offrir la détente à ma porte ?
The jungle in Rheinpark reminds me of my home in the Mississippi Delta. There is always something to discover.